Hypnotherapy Heart to Heart

Hypnotherapy Heart to Heart

    Hypnotherapy Heart to Heart


    “You use hypnosis not as a cure but as a means of establishing a favorable climate in which to learn.” ~Milton Erickson
    “I know that, but I didn’t know that I knew it until now.” ~Jane Parsons-Fein

    I was watching a dvd of Bill O’Hanlon working with a client. His teaching stories were funny and apropos, his hypnotic language was brilliant. Most of all, his respect for his client was palpable. He listened carefully to what she was saying, and he focused his suggestions on helping her to connect with the understandings and strength that she already had inside, but hadn’t fully recognized.

    Every word he spoke, and every story he told was oriented towards her discovery of her inner resources- she already knew what she needed, and how to care for herself. He pointed to what she was already doing. At the beginning of the session, she’d reported on changes that she was making, and realizations she had, but it wasn’t until he gave them back to her with respect and wonder that she realized that she was already moving towards the life that she really wanted.

    He reminded her that time is fluid- that we experience it as slow when we’re bored, and fast when we’re happy. He suggested that there was outer time, and there was inner time, so life on the outside could be fast-paced and active, and life on the inside could be peaceful and slow enough to enjoy.

    He placed her physical symptom within the greater context of how she is living her life.
    And, he pointed to what was working in her life, and helped her to see how she could bring that ability to make good things happen into other areas, just by paying attention to what her body was telling her. He showed her how her body gave her signals when she needed to attend to something, and that those signals were trustworthy.

    Most of all, he let her know through his examples and suggestions, how wise and capable and precious she is.

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