Healing And Transforming The Past


    One of the most exciting capacities for the hypnotherapist is the ability to guide clients into the past- to connect with natural abilities and positive experiences, and to heal and transform painful experiences that have become ‘stuck’ in the unconscious.

    Our brains are very efficient.  They’re designed to help us to access useful information by seeking out past experiences that are similar to the ones in the present. If the year is 10,000 B.C. and you’re a cave person, and someone is walking towards you, you can assess quickly if they are friend or foe by many subtle cues- their movements, the position of their arms, their facial expression- very useful.  However, in our complicated modern world, the brain sometimes gives us information that is outdated.

    The limiting messages we receive as children can be like hypnotic trances. The brain continues to recycle something like, “You’re such a mess.”, as though it’s a fact about us, and not just the result of an overtired mother upset at the wonderful paintings that you created, leaving some paint on the floor-and all over you- in the process.

    Through hypnotherapy, those outdated messages can be brought to consciousness and worked with in the present, with all of the resources and perspective of our mature adult selves.  We can reach into the shadows where those messages are held, bringing the needed insight, compassion and strength that transform old memories into things of the past, so that we’re free to experience the present without the veils of old wounding experiences.

    Hypnotherapy offers safe, supportive methods for accessing, transforming and integrating experiences from the past.  In our Professional Hypnotherapist Training, you’ll learn ways to use regression to enter the past to heal, to transform how experience is held in the brain, and to move forward in life feeling resolved, integrated and whole.

    Here’s an induction that you can listen to, that will take you back to connect with a childhood experience:

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