“Our wounds become our gifts.”
    Elsie Kerns

    The Hero’s Journey is the underlying theme of many myths and stories in cultures throughout the world, as ancient as the oldest tribe, and as recent as the latest movie, and it’s also the foundation of the hypnotic work that we do.

    Joseph Campbell, the great mythologist, identified the Hero’s Journey as having four significant parts:

    In the beginning of the story, we find the Hero in the midst of normal life.  But, the hero doesn’t fit.  In the old fairy tales, the hero is the second son who won’t inherit land to sustain him, the child that’s rejected by the wicked step-mother, the one who feels they’re destined for something greater… Through their wounding, not-enoughness, or feeling that ‘normal’ life isn’t enough, the hero must leave the village, and strike out on their own.

    In their commitment to find their own way in the world, they cross the threshold– they enter new territory- the unknown.  Then, something remarkable happens.  Just when they need help, a mentor appears, recognizes the hero through an act of kindness or bravery, and offers them an invisible cloak, some magic beans-just the thing that will help them on their journey when it’s most needed.

    The hero goes through many trials, each one strengthening them for the supreme ordeal, in which they must face the dragon- the guard to the shadow realm.  In fairy stories, the dragon is threatening the kingdom and hiding great wealth- a chest of gold, or a princess.

    After mastering the dragon and receiving the treasure, the hero ascends to the outer world transformed. They bring back the gifts they have received through their transformation to share with others.

    Each Hypnotherapy Session Follows the Hero’s Journey

    Our clients have something in their life that isn’t working.  They cross the threshold by leaving the usual way of thinking and being to enter a deeper space.  They encounter many mentors- guardians and guides, their own inner wisdom and deeper knowing, and the healing space of the session.  With those greater resources, they are ready to face the issue- the dragon- in a new way that allows for understanding and transformation

    In a hypnotherapy, the dragon is the inner wounding that we touch into, utilizing the resources that have been gained along the way. The treasure that it hides is the aspects of our inner selves that have been pushed into the shadow realm out of shame or pain.

    When we have the resources- strength, compassion, insight, support- to face the dragon and transform our relationship to it, we are free to experience our whole being. And then, we return to our lives transformed, able to respond to both our blessings and our challenges in new resourceful ways, and able to help others in the ways that are most resonant and natural for us.

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